Altieri, called 'Karita' by Heavenly Hosts,
is the self-publishing author of the highly praised
book, 'The World's Greatest Teachings.' Lourene
was born and raised in Joliet, Illinois and now
resides in Arizona. She has been communicating with
Heaven since early childhood.
Lourene has written many short stories, poems and
articles in magazines and newsletters worldwide.
She has been featured on radio talk shows and has
taught classes at the Montessori Children's School
in Crest Hill, Illinois, as well as adult classes
in Spirituality and Metaphysics.
has been involved in counseling, teaching and volunteer
hospice work. She has given comfort to those who
lost loved ones, and has prepared many terminally
ill patients for their transition into another dimension
of life. She has witnessed the
Soul leaving the body. Many who have 'crossed
over' have returned in spirit to visit 'Karita'
Lourene. In Lourene's words, "This is my
verification of life after death."

The Christ and Other Masters and Avatars
gentle but powerful force would it take
to convince the author, 'Karita' Lourene, to totally
change her belief systems, her attitude, her direction
in life, and to allow Universal Intelligences to
reprogram her every day thinking?
would be the only one who could penetrate
her mind and teach her to remember the beginning
of Existence in another time and space?
how 'Karita' Lourene challenges Heaven's Angels,
Creation and All That Is, in order to find the Truth
and discovers the role she contracted for before
birth: 'To be a telepath' for Higher Intelligence
from other realms of Existence with the purpose
of conveying the 'Words That Will Incarnate The
Being Of Mankind." With abounding
irresistible Love from Heaven, this book marks the
first-hand experiences of Divine Intercourse between
God and Man, Heaven and Earth. We are not alone
in this Universe of many Universes. People from
other planetary systems are benevolent to Mankind.
Crop Circles show messages from people on other
planets and will soon be discovered in Arizona.
Humanity has been given
an Extension of Time
so that we may complete our destined courses
of Life according to the Grand Divine Plan, as there
are those on Earth who are not yet aware of their
Divine Inheritance.
May 5, 2000, there was a grand alignment of planets
pulling greatly on the Earth. This magnetic pull
would have caused a Pole Shift of Earth. It was
prevented by The Brotherhood of Light with the frequencies
from nine Mother Ships strategically placed between
Jupiter and our Sun. Learn where this Knowledge
comes from.
Lourene will teach you how to speak with God and
the Angels and how and where to find them.
Let her take you to the 'Seventh Heaven' as
you read and experience the Vibrations of Love,
Peace and the Light of God. This book will open
your mind and your heart. You will see things thru
the Eyes of God, and your Spirit will take flight
in the Light of Love. Read about Cosmic Telepathy
and Cosmic Waves
of Energy that Shatter the Illusion of Life on Earth.
Find the Truth of your Reality and the
destiny of Earth and Mankind. Understand how the
World and all planets are being prepared to move
into a New Dimension and how this affects us now.
Know for certain that 'there is no Death, but
a Transition into another Life in a new vibration
of wholeness, and 'Ride the Wings of Your Dreams.'
'And they said a day would
come, late in the 20th century, when Higher Intelligence
would...' (Chapter Two)