was taken to the Seventh Heaven,' where a
mere touch of his finger to my heart, by the
Golden Being of Light, transformed me into
Golden Light also. I was consumed by Love
so unfathomable, that I did not want to return
to this Illusion of Life on Earth. His Words
permeated my very existence and were indelibly
inscribed in my mind"...Karita
"Everything is Love. Love as you have
never known it to be. It is the only True
Force in all of Creation. Be at One with Me,
in Love; and I will raise your thoughts to
the height of Truth. I AM the Light of Life
in your soul. Let yourself be consumed by
the Light of My Love. Let My Words shine like
diamonds in the night sky. I give you the
Words which will 'Incarnate the Being of Mankind.'
You will learn and you will teach and guide
others in the same manner, which is from Me...The
God Who lives within you. Before the End of
Time, (Time as you know it to be), I, Myself,
will speak to every man, woman and child on
this Earth Plane."