Spiritual Hierarchy has chosen Karita as a "Special
Emissary" between God and Man, Heaven and Earth.
She travels thru the Tunnel of The White Light to
bring down 'The Spoken Word of God' to Humanity. The
words in this book contain Universal Frequency Vibrations
of Divine Love sent from Heaven
to cover
the Earth and all of its inhabitants. God has a Divine
Plan that is Universal and it is being implemented
even as you read these words. There is HOPE for the
World in this Plan. Mankind is to discover his Divinity.
Karita has agreed to speak of this
Love so unfathomable,
that Mankind will want
to forget the 'Illusion
of Life' on Earth
and enter into the Kingdom of God within, on Earth
as it is in Heaven, as was promised to us. The Son
of The Father has asked Karita to help Him feed all
of His hungry children, and in His own Words: "We
will feed them together, and they will be consumed
by The Light of My Love. (T)His Light must cover the
destined course was to have done a Pole Shift on May
5, 2000 A.D.
Angels from Heaven
in their ships of Light, stationed themselves between
the planet Pluto and our Sun. The planetary
alignment was to have emitted such a powerful energy
pull, that the planet Vulcan would have been birthed
from the Sun and all planets in our system would have
moved up one orbit. The Earth would have flipped on
its axis as it has done five times before.
There is another,
more powerful planetary alignment soon to come. Earth
has been given an
Extension of Time
so that its inhabitants
may complete their destined
courses of Life in The Divine Plan.
People from other planetary
systems are benevolent to Mankind. We
are not alone in this Universe of many Universes.
Crop Circles are Messages
from other people from other planets. They will soon
be discovered in Arizona.
As you read this
book, you will be filled with a new kind of Love that
will lift your heart in Light and Peace. Your Illusion
will be shattered as you enter The
Reality. You will know how
much you
are loved.
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