"The Joyous Season is upon
you. The Season of Harmony surrounds you. The Light
of Love shines upon you, with you, in you and thru
you. Beloveds take heart; for my Kingdom is come!
It reigns upon your Earth. Bring forth its freshness
daily, moment by moment. Live in this precious Light
of Love; Peace, Joy and Harmony. Hear the sounds
of Love, Peace, Joy and Harmony, and allow them
to penetrate your being, that you may understand
that which comes to you. In anticipation shall I
greet you - with that of the excitement of a New
Birth. The Bethlehem Star shines overhead, beaming
its glories into you. The glories stream from afar
and pervade your beingness. Heavenly Hosts sing
"ALLELUIA" in the Grand Chorus blending
their voices and their energies with yours.
Oh Beloveds! Rejoice in this night
of the Light that comes into the world; for this
Light brings forth the Day that never ends! Be you
as excited children welcoming home the Father who
has been away only as you think, but who has been
always with you; living in the Temple of your Beingness.
The Heart of your Soul. I AM. Open all the Treasures
which I pour upon you, and find therein, the Greatest
GIFT that enriches your life stream.
these times, handle with care, all that is presented
to you; for the Treasures are priceless. My Gifts
I bring that you may enjoy the Abundance. That you
may live, that you may love, that you may be happy,
that you may enjoy our KINGDOM ON EARTH. THE HEAVEN,
which is made ready for you. In the Presentation
of these Gifts do you know my
great love for you. In the rising of your
vibrations do you know of our Ascension.
The total compensation of MAN-DIVINE in conjunction
with Mother Earth is Heaven upon her soil, which
is no longer termed soil, but the NEW LAND OF LOVE.
Know the conditions upon which I set forth my foot
upon the Path of Light which you create for my Coming.
Seek ye first MY KINGDOM WITHIN which is your Kingdom;
that which we share. For we are the ONENESS OF BEING;
In the Realm of Unconditional Loving,
whether you know Me or not,
I consider you My own and I share My gifts and My
Life and My Love with you. BE AT ONE WITH ME!
I melt the coldness of the most hardened
hearts with the flame of My Love. Gather round the
TREE OF LIFE with all of its gifts and enjoy the
beauty that I see in you! Gather unto yourselves
My wondrous SECRETS that are within you. The Gifts,
which I myself place at the feet of this TREE OF
LIFE. Sing ye with joyous heart, the Song of Love
that fills the MASS OF CHRIST.
Dearly Beloveds! I give you MY ALL.
Why not take ALL of Me? Taste of the Goodness of
the Lord and be filled in this Holy Season of Love;
and as you taste, share with your Brother. Share
with your enemy who will no longer be your enemy,
but your friend in need. Share the child in yourself
and know the child in others. FEED MY HUNGRY CHILDREN,
and light the Way of Love, that all might know its
beauty. I AM the Star, which shines brightly from
the top of your tree. I AM the Vine and you are
My branches, and I adorn you with the fullness of
My Love and My Gifts. As you put on your CHRIST
LIGHTS and you light all the branches of the TREE
OF LIFE, the beauty of the glowing will engulf you
in its glorious Light. For you, My Beloveds have
adorned the TREE OF LIFE! You, yourselves, have
created this beauty, which shines upon you! BEHOLD
OF LOVE which shines upon you, for you, with you,
in you, and thru you .The Blessings of My Father,
which is in Me, the Son which I AM, the SPIRIT which
I give in overshadowing you, and the Mother which
has birthed us; WE ARE ONE! You are my Christ Mass
Peace and Harmony of ALL THAT IS,
in LOVE, be with you as this SEASON’S GLOW OF HOLINESS
descends upon you. … I AM THE CHRIST IN YOU.”
@ (Communicated to
Karita Lourene Altieri)

The Secret Gift
of the Christmas Tree
I AM the vine; you
are the branches.
Oh! Bless this Christmas
Tree of Love, of Life, and its treasure! It holds
SECRETS untold before now;
too numerous to measure! Listen in the silence of
your heart. Hear the stories of old,
that this Christmas Tree of Love, wants so much
to unfold:
“I have many gifts
for you, my children, that are long overdue. What
took me so long?
Why, I
was waiting for you! I AM
the Vine and you are my branches.
I have waited long to see you adorned. All you needed
was to ask; to know that I wish you everything!
Why only one day of the year , do gifts you bring?
Did you not know that
I AM your Tree of Life; of Love? I AM forever waiting
for you.
Why do you come only once a year? My gifts are always
here for you. Help yourself to all that you desire.
I will fill all your needs, your wants, your desires;
for I wish to share my gifts with you.
There is always more for you.
You didn’t think I
heard your whispers, or felt your warm tears? Not
even a fleeting thought escapes my attention; for
my Love for you is so strong, that I live in you,
thru you and with you. You didn’t hear me?
Did you really listen to the Voice in the wind among
your branches? Since I AM the Vine, the center of
your Being, how could you not know me? We are One
tree! You are my fullness, my living beauty! Listen!
Oh, my branches, listen to the Vine (Voice) within!
I speak softly, so you must be still! Be still and
I will share all my
wondrous SECRETS with you. Then, when you realize
who you are, the Tree will be fully decorated in
splendor. Now you light the lights, one by one,
and our Tree grows brighter, but when all the lights
are lighted, we will be the most beautiful… the
grandest Tree in the World! The most Beautiful Star
in the Universe; standing forth in Truth!
Light of Love!
I now adorn you with Light
of My Love, oh, Christmas Tree mine...as
we share the SECRET GIFT…
“Behold My World!
Behold My World full of Grace; for the hour is upon
Create this vision in your All-Knowing minds and
behold the Glory of the Lord as He
cometh to you; swift as an arrow to pierce the heart
that is swelled with Love...
releasing its fullness... easing the ache therein.
As clearly as you see this manifestation, so shall
it be!
AM your God of Love in you!”
The Light of Christmas
shining Star of the night, What do you reveal in
your Light?
The Earth below in slumber’s
plight, is awakened by your wondrous sight!
The Greatest Story ever
told is come to Man on this night so cold.
‘Tis God’s Promise long foretold,
revealing His Love, this Light so bold.
Can mortal hearts thy glory
see, you are birthing the Christ into Humanity?
God became flesh in a tiny
baby – How might thy people come to thee?
For shepherds, kings and lowly
too, the Light of Christmas shined,
O’er every field, in every
land, in every heart and mind.
The Light that brought the
greatest joy, shined on God, a Little Boy
While choirs of Angels did
employ their songs of Love, He did enjoy.
Oh Holy night, oh wondrous
sight, live in our hearts and make us bright,
That all the world may be as you are this night,
His Holy Christ Mass Light!!
Copyright@1994 Lourene S. Altieri Jurkovic