I was sitting quietly, contemplating my questions
while Rev. Copeland began my reading with a prayer.
My eyes were closed as I listened with tears of joy,
for already I was seeing a beautiful vision.
Rev. Copeland speaks:
"There are beautiful wildflowers growing
everywhere. All kinds and colors. It is like a little
meadow has a little stream zigzagging its way down
a gentle sloping hill. A pathway runs beside the
stream. I can see the sky with fluffy white clouds
floating everywhere. It is a beautiful blue sky
with the sun now high in the sky. There is a gentle
breeze that blows the flowers heads back and forth.
There is an image. A figure coming down the pathway."
(I was already seeing this and knowing who
it was.)
"It is the Blessed Virgin Mary who is
coming down the pathway.
She has
on her white gown with a light blue robe over her
shoulders and head. She comes down the pathway walking.
Then she stops and steps to the right, through the
flowers. She begins to pick beautiful pink roses.
A beautiful magnificent bouquet of pink roses. She
continues walking through the flowers and comes
upon a beautiful white rock that glistens and shines
in the sunlight.
Now on that rock appears a golden flame.
A flame like a candle flame that flickers only at
the top. The flame is very bright and very fulfilling
as it grows in size and intensity. Now it begins
to soften and diminish.
is standing in that flame. He is wearing a beautiful
white robe made of a simple broadcloth material
with a large weave. Ashlem has been coming through
quite often now with his robe of Simplicity.
The flame goes out and Ashlem bows to the
Blessed Virgin Mary, who stands gazing at Ashlem
with a beautiful smile on her face. Ashlem steps
from that white rock and greets Mary. Then they
walk together in a circle around the white rock,
walking through the flowers. Ashlem stops. He picks
a tiny little white flower that looks something
like a daisy, but the petals are closer together.
It has a golden center to it. He holds it between
his forefinger and his thumb as they walk chatting
together. They come around full circle to the white
rock and Ashlem then steps upon it. He sits in a
lotus posture.
Mary sits on the white rock. Mary begins
to speak and Golden Words come forth and the words
"Blessed art thee among women. Blessed
is the fruit of thy womb. Blessed is the Life Force
that is with thee at this time. The angels above
are singing your praise of "Glory Alleluia"
and the time has come forth to reckon the existence
of thyself to the Higher Consciousness. I, Mary,
come forth through your Garden of Life and I choose
from your Valley of Life, your beautiful Love and
I carry it with I. Remember ... I have proven to
thee that I am with thee and that thee are blessed.
'Tho I may be busy soon into many different ways,
remember ... I have not forsaken thee. Look within
to the Force of the Christ Consciousness of Grace
and let it be upon thee. Peace..."
Ashlem smells his little white flower, holds
it up, closes his eyes as if in Meditation. Now
the flower begins to rapidly grow. It grows into
a beautiful white rosebud. The white rosebud opens
rapidly into its fullness. (Symbolic of Man.) He
smells the white rose again, bows his head and wishes
to speak thru. I give him my permission.
Ashlem speaks:
"The Blessed Virgin Mary has come to
visit with thee. She has proven to thee that she
never leaves thy side. Now I also am with thee,
thru the Spirit. Now there are many questions I
will answer for thee. Please begin."
By this time, my tears are rolling down my
face. My question was answered before I asked it.

The Unity candle symbolizes that which is
being united. It is lighted by the two who wish
to become one. That is why it is used at weddings.
It is the Vow of Unity and the Flame of Devotion.
It is to burn to its fullest before it diminishes.
Just like life is to be lived to the fullest before
it ends. Not really ending, but changed. The candle
flame is the representation of the Light of Christ.
The Light of Creation. Mary is standing tall in
the Light of the Christ, showing us how to do the
same. Acknowledge the Christ Light in everything,
in everyone.
On our candle, Mary bowed further and further
into the flame, (Light) as it burned. When the candle
reached its point of extinction, Mary folded into
herself and formed an embryo, signifying new life.
Rebirth. (The fetal position). Mary
became one with the Light, becoming One with her
Creator, the Flame which gave her Life, and she
was reborn.
(Symbolized in the embryo
as the candle now shows.)
How simple it is...the Mystery of Life, Death
and New Life or Re-Birth. (Re-incarnation)
Going within means
searching in your own mind and heart;
finding the
God within you...
who you are and being who you are. Everything has
Polarity. Two sides. Negative and Positive, in and
out, up and down, forward and back, etc. Man
has a dual nature: Human and Divine.
He just
hasn't found it as of yet, because we didn't know
it was within us
all the time. We
don't pay attention to our
"Voice Within". We
don't take time to
"Be Still."
"Be still and Know that I AM God."
But a caution: One must at all times be aware
of their own God Light of Protection. Your Christ
Light. It is the heart of your soul! Find your own
Truth within you. It is not a religion, but Faith,
based on Truth.
No one can
give it to you. You have to find it. "Seek
ye the Kingdom of God within and all else shall
be given unto you."
From Jesus and Mary for Mankind
has been giving her messages to people all over
the world, but the world hears not;
therefore she is now
appearing more often and simultaneously in different
parts of the earth. Her messages are more urgent
than ever. Mary came January 21, 1996 in Arizona.
She was wearing a pink gown with a white mantle
on her head. She was reaching under her cape pulling
out an endless
supply of bread and throwing
it to ducks swimming in a pond. (We have this duck
pond across the street.)
When the ducks are filled, Mary begins to
speak and golden words come forth:
"If one is sitting on the Rock of Truth
and Purity, then there must be goodness all around.
If one is promoting Universal Love, there must be
beauty all around. If one walks upon their pathway
of life and fears not the darkness because of the
Love, then they may feed that which needs to be
nourished; and from the heart of Being shall come
the Light of Truth.
I am with thee now and forever as I have
stated to thee before. I shall continue to spread
thy countenance here, before the waters of Time
that thee may feed they who are hungry, with Love
and Peace. Let the Wisdom in thy being come forth
to the greater aspect of the Creator's Life. I stand
in all reverence to thee."
(End of Mary's Message)
For many years, Mary has come with messages,
always to reassure us that her presence is always
near. To give us Love and Peace. There is goodness
in store for those who look for goodness. There
is tragedy in store for those who look for tragedy,
and movement for they who look for movement. Love
for those who look for Love; Universal Love and
Peace. Mary engraved her image in the wax Unity
Candle as a symbol of Love and Peace and a reminder
she is always
with us,
has never left us
and will never abandon us. The
photograph of the Unity Candle of Mary is the
for the realization of Life and is to be
spread but not worshipped.
It is to show
that Mary is present.
Her Message through the
Universe, to America, and to all other countries,
especially for the
children. To promote Love and Peace for the children.
Promote Peace of the Heart, not peace of man battling
each other, but
peace in the heart!
If one conquers the
in the heart,
will there not be Eternal
Peace? This candle is Mary's symbol of Love and
Peace. (Spirit of Ashlem)
13, 1996
In the sky
appears a beautiful pink light from a pinpoint.
It expands to an oval shape, outwardly expanding
and then it stops and an Image is forming in that
pink light. It is the Blessed Virgin Mary! Mary
is looking down. Mary has her hand on her heart.
She has a beautiful
white rose
in her hand ... her other
hand. Now the Light in the sky expands more. It
becomes like a ... images are appearing on the perimeter
of this oval shape. It is showing pictures of a
flooding. It is showing pictures of the
ground shaking.
It is showing pictures
of fire, and people running. Some
people are kneeling
and weeping.
I can't hear any sound.
Just the pictures. Now Mary expands...
The image
of Mary with the ground shaking. I have seen this
vision in a dream state and...
is what is to occur upon the Earth Plane, but the
confidence and the Love of Mary shall overcome and
overshadow all of those. Those happenings will come
forth and "they who believe in and through
she and they who believeth in her Son Jesus, and
they who believeth into the Christ, they shall be
arisen (lifted) and overcome by the Light and not
be injured."
Yes .. I did see in this vision, myself running
around picking up children and helping them. They
were little children calling for their Mother during
a time of disaster.
From a pinpoint of golden Light expands four
tongues of Light which form a four pointed star.
The background is a deep indigo blue. It pulls away
rapidly and stars appear. Constellations. The four
pointed star is high in the sky. It twinkles. The
sky changes to daylight slowly, as
Light invades
the darkness.
There is a pathway
of stone lined with high bushes. There are flowers
on the bushes. There are statues that look Roman.
This is the Garden of Artemius (I'm not sure of
the name) in Golan.
figures appear in white Light.
The first
one is Jesus, and the other is Mary, his Mother!
Jesus shows himself
as after the Crucifixion. His wrists...slight on
his forehead are the scars of the thorns. He looks
very elegant. Mary is magnificent! They turn towards
each other and Jesus takes Mary's hands in His.
They are not speaking. They just stare at each other.
There is a carved stone bench which they sit upon
still holding hands.
Mary looks up at Jesus and asks him:
"Is there any hope for
(I begin to weep at
the remembrance of an article I wrote recently in
which I asked this very question. I am realizing
that Heaven hears our very thoughts.)
tear comes to Jesus' eyes as he speaks:
"That which once was is no longer being.
The Heavens shake and rumble at the onslaught of
Man's negativity. The Creation is a shambles of
Time. Beautiful Earth shall succumb to the vibrations.
These things, when we were upon the Earth, we didn't
truly understand either, but in to the Spirit, we
now understand fully that Creation IS...constantly,
and all things evolve. If Earth is to evolve to
a higher status, it must first be cleansed. But
the Father of Creation understands they who sin,
for they
know not what they do.
They who Love are the Peers of Life and the
Heart of Creation. All is forgiven for they who
ask forgiveness. Let us dwell upon the Tine and
Time coming forth, but let us not weep; but rather
rejoice for the Greater authority of the Christ
Consciousness....that all who may hear...understand
that the Father lyeth within. The Peace is upon
thee and judgment is with thee. Walk in the Garden
of Life with Love."
Jesus and Mary fade away and in their place
appears a beautiful golden flame. The flame not
only flickers at the top, but it seems to swirl
as it grows in size and intensity. Then it stops
and dissipates. The flame goes out. Seemingly this
garden where Jesus and Mary stood, is the garden
where they stood in the Period of Time when they
were on the Earth in flesh. It was the Garden of
the Roman who beseeched for Jesus and loved Jesus
and Mary in that Period of Time. It was where Jesus
and Mary held hands and had many conversations with
each other. This is the proper place to stand and
understand the Creative Force and the Experience
that is necessary to fulfill the beast within Man.
is a summons in this Period of Time in order to
answer that question: "Is there hope for the
We are blessed indeed that Jesus and Mary
have come forth to be with us at this time. We also
weep for the world and for Mankind. We will try
to do all that we can do to open the hearts of Man,
that they may see the Light and that those who are
willing will come forth to aid in these last days
of Earth. Mother Earth is very special to those
of us who have been here Time and again. Will we
see these changes in the Earth and come forth into
the Golden Age of Peace?
We have already witnessed many changes upon
the Earth Plane and in prior times also. Earth is
growing older. Look at the wrinkles upon its face.
The Time of Existence is near. Will we see the Ending
of this Time? Do we wish to see it? Or would we
rather be lifted into Light? If we wish to be lifted
in Light, then we need to pray for that experience
that we have chosen. (Rapture, Upliftment, Ascension)
is a Period of Time
to discover our Divinity. Our
Oneness with our Creator, God. Death is part of
Life, but nothing ever dies. It is born again into
Christ Consciousness. Because of Man's great negativity,
Time has been speeded up. Time to Rejoice!
Fire is within! We choose to make it Heaven
or Hell!
Negativity in the World as a whole is now at 73%.
In order to be balanced, the negative and
positive must be equal, 50/50. We are 23% over the
balancing point in a negative attitude.)
is the Answer!!