I do not question
the Creator of All Things
when he calls another of His children to come home.
In days of my unawareness, I pondered and cried
and sometimes even blamed God when I hurt inside.
Now when I look up as He lifts my
face to His Light,
and I see the Love in His own eyes, I understand.
I surrender with all that I am, for what I gaze
upon is more than I can fully comprehend. The mutual
longing for Oneness
dissolves in His arms as He lifts me and cradles
me. He presses me to His heart and I willingly melt
like a candle in the Flame
of His desire.
He is my Creator,
my Father, my Life
and my Breath.
I am with Him, in Him, and through Him, I have my
being, and I AM.
My life is His breath and He breathes me back into
Him in Glory. I have not need or want, for I am
filled to the overflowing. Do not weep for me, for
my tears are no more than joy. My voice rings out
the Melody of Love
in your heart. My love lifts you beyond your imagination,
and in your wildest dreams, you will see my beauty.
My wings are but the flight of thought
and my crown is my Light
of God's Love. My eyes see everything through
the eyes of God, and my lips speak only Truth.
I will touch you with the slightest breath of the
wind and I will call your name in silent reverie.
Listen to the whisper of silence. I am here and
there and everywhere at once. I am free.
Look into the Dawn of every new day
and see my crown of glory
lighting the morning skies. Look into the
setting sun and know that even as it sets, so it
is rising. I am free! In all this wondrous beauty,
how can you desire to capture me? How can you try
to hold me back when I desire to fly free? Can you
not love me as I am... Free?
My wholeness has just begun. I
am perfect. Should the heaviness of your
tears wet my wings, I cannot fly. If I cannot fly
into Perfection,
I surely shall die; a thousand times over. Do not
hold me back with your grief and sorrow. Set me
free that I may fly higher and higher, for there
are many Mansions in my Father's house that I long
to discover. Would you clip my wings and have me
to struggle? I am impatient for my Father's House.
He calls me.
His voice is pure. My Soul resonates
to His calling and
I wish to take flight. I am free!
I do not abandon
you. If you would see as do I, through the
eyes of Love, through the eyes of God, you know
that I am with you even now. I dry your tears, but
you weep them more. I sing you to sleep, but you
can't hear me through your sorrowing. I touch your
heart, but you do not let yourself feel me, for
you have hardened yourself against what you think
is your loss of me. Oh, but if you only could believe
and know with all your heart, that I am not
gone from you, but closer yet than ever before.
If you would know and believe
this, you could see my radiance
and feel my presence. I could whisper to
you and my sound would fill your heart, your mind
and your soul with joy. Your pain would leave you
and your sorrow would be no more. And I... I would
be free to fly into Heaven's
Glorious Light! I could go home and I would
prepare a place for you.
Now that I am free, let me use my
wings that I may soar like an Eagle. You, my loves,
and you my friends, can give me that impetus to
continue my flight, by saying, "I
release you, my Love, my Dove. Fly into the Light
of God, the Arms of Love, in Peace."
Your prayers and your love will lift me higher and
And I will find my Heaven, because
you have helped me and not held me back. YOU have
set me FREE!
I will shine as a beautiful Star in Heaven. Watch
for me!
Written by 'Karita' Lourene S. Altieri

Speak to
Me of Divine Love
Divine Love speaks:
“From the depths of the Heart
of Divine Love, do I speak to thee and to
all my world. Amen. Amen. I say unto thee: This
world ( as it now is) shall pass away, but my words
shall live forever. With gentlest heart do I beseech
thee to hearken unto my words... To surrender thy
heart unto Divine Love; for above and beyond all
things, does Love keep you and hold you.
My Love lifts your
burdens, your heartaches and your sorrows. I live
in you, with you, thru you and for you; for my Love
is true and constant. Ever so constant ...keeping
vigil over you. The strength in this bond of Love
comes together in the sharing of mutual Oneness
of Being. Links in the Divine Chain of Hearts
, all beating as One Essence,
pumping the Eternal River of Life thru the Veins
of Sustenance, that nourishes the body of the Whole.
I AM the bread of Life and the breath of Life. Be
ye filled! Let the Divine Chalice of Love overflow
in the vibration of high joy that shakes
its very foundation! Drink this cup and be
I AM Love in you!!”
@ Jesus/Sananda
thru Karita
World in
“The world is in motion. Everything
on it and within it moves with perfect attunement,
adjusting the vibrational frequencies of the electronic
pattern that filters thru the ethers; permeating
the very heart and soul of Humanity. It is a New
Radiation...The Heavenly Balm pouring out of the
higher realms in a last all out effort to heal the
‘wounded Earthship’ and
all of its occupants.
The ‘Doctors
of Divinity’ are strategically placed—positioning
themselves into each their own area of expertise.
They are well acquainted with
‘conditions’ of Earth, the world at large.
They aid in this growth pattern of Expansion into
the Higher Consciousness and Ascension of Humanity
and Earth as tediously as does the mid-wife attending
a precarious birthing process.
Giant beams of Light and warm energy
are projected onto the Mother Planet (Earth) to
keep her stabilized and
“in tune” with the Cosmic Surgery she is
being prepared for. Her moments of doubt come to
a swift end as she views the readiness of the Steady
Hand about to perform that “necessary
surgery”. The birthing pains will soon be
forgotten, for the joy
of that which is birthed eliminates the need for
The All-Consuming Power of Love has
conquered the Illusionary path of memory, and the
Moment of NOW is
IS, in this Moment and rise to this occasion.
Roll with the flow of your World In Motion, that
your journey will be smooth. Become One
with this Momentum as it covers you; and as you
are carried along... with gentleness shall you be
lifted! You shall
be filled! With Great
Majesty shall you occupy your rightful place; wearing
the Garment of the Beloved. Universes will look
upon your Golden Radiance as you reach your intended
destination, for you are... the Brightest Star in
the Universe!”
@ Jesus/Sananda
thru Karita

(Phrase) |
(Explanation) |
New Radiation |
Higher Frequency
Vibrations of Love and Light
Doctors of Divinity |
Benevolent Space Brothers
of Light |
Birthing Process |
Bringing Forth New Life |
Cosmic Surgery |
Cleansing of Mother Earth
Steady Hand |
Hand of God, The Great Surgeon |
Illusionary Path of Memory |
Illusion of Life |
Be Lifted |
Ascend, be raptured, taken up |